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Memory Work

Integumentary Sytem

Unit 5

Playing Dead- Prey acts as if they are dead, whch shuts off the hunting behavior in the predator.

Making an Escape- prey makes sudden dash for safety, this relies on the fact that the prey is fast and has sharp senses

Spines and Scales- prey is covered with spines or scales that make it difficult for the predator to eat it

Camouflage- prey disguises itself as something else, such as a leaf or twig, so that the predator canot find it

Mimicry- prey mimics another more dangerous animal so thea tthe predator will leave it alone

Chemical weapons- they prey emits a poisonous or foul-smelling chemical t keep predators from eating eat

Unit 3:

Annelids- worm-like, segmented bodies-earthworms

Platyhelminthes/Flatworms- worm-like, flat bodies, unsegmented- flatworms

Nematodes- round worm-like, no segments- roundworms

Cnidarians- an animal with a sack-like body and a single opening- jellyfish

Echinoderms- an animal with spiny skin, sucker feet, and a  five ray body- starfish

Mollusks- soft bodies, most have shells- snails

Porifera- perforated interior walls, most feed on bacteria- sponges

Arthropods- segmented bodies, jointed legs, most have hard exoskeleton

Chordates- animals who have bodies supported by a notochord (stiff rod)

Nemertea flat, unsegmented bodies- ribbonworm

Unit 2


Carbon Dioxide + water + energy from the sun= carbohydrates + oxygen


Root-anchors the plant and absorbs nutrients

Stem- holds the plant up and serves as the transport system

Leaf- absorbs sunlight and produces energy for plant through chlorophyll

Flower- the reproductive part of the plant

Seed- contains the materials necessary to grow a new plant

Unit 4

Fish- cold blooded, live in water, covered in scales and breath through gills

Amphibians- cold-blooded, live in land and in water, have soft skin.

Reptiles- cold-blooded, lay eggs, covered in scales.

Birds- warm-blooded, lay eggs, have feathers and wings.

Mammals- warm-blooded, feed young with milk, covered in fur.

Unit 1:









Monerans- simple, single cell- bacteria

Protists- complex, single-celled organisms- algae

Fungi- organisms that absorb food and reproduce through spores

Plants- living things that have many cells and carry out photosynthesis- trees

Animals- many celled, live by eating food

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