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Lesson Period 3

Broadleaf Trees notes


Gymnosperm- a plant that reproduces by making cones

Deciduous- a plant that sheds all its leaves during some part of the year; plant stops making chlorophyll

Evergreen- a plant that keeps its leaves throughout the year

1968- Redwood National Park is created, home of the world's tallest tree which is 379.1 ft tall

Annelids, Platyheliminthes, and Nematodes(they are the three in the animal kingdom)


Invertabrates- an animal without a backcbone, such as an insects.

30 - 200 A.D. accounts of the use of leeches for the medically dubious practice of blood letting came from China around 30 AD, India around 200 AD, and ancient Rome 50 AD.

1881- Charles Darwin's book The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms presented the first scientific analysis of earthworms' contribution to soil fertility 




Plant Unit Study Guide


Fungi                                  pollination

spore                                 cotyledon

yeast                                  dicot

algae                                  germination

hydrophyte                      monocot

photosynthesis               gymnosperm

chlorophyll                      deciduous

frond                                evergreen



  What kingdom are fungi part of?

  Do molds and mildew produce a fruiting body?

  Where is algae found in the ocean?

  How do ferns reproduce?

  How many stages are there of the alternation of generations?

  What does it mean if a plant is self pollinating?

  What are sepals?

  Where does fruit come from?

  What are monocotyledons?

  What happens to the chlorophyll in the leaves that are shed from deciduous trees in the fall?

  Trees have a waxy substance in their inner wood, or xylem, which stiffens the trunk and provides the tree with greater stability.

  Explain the process of photosynthesis.

  How are algae similar to other plants?

  How are algae different from other plants?

  How does a fern grow?

  Name the parts of a plant and tell what they do.

  Briefly describe plant fertilization.

  What does a seed need to germinate?

  What is the main difference between deciduous and evergreen trees?





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