Lesson Period 4
Cnidarians and Echinoderms notes
Coral- a small sea animal that catches food with stinging tentacles; many live in large colonies on coral reefs.
Echinoderm- a sea animal with an internal skeleton and a body divided itno five equal parts, such as a star fish.
Medusa- the umbrella-shaped, swimming stage in the life cycle of jellyfish and other cnidarians.
Polyp- a small sea animal with a hollow cylindrical body and a rin of tentacles around its mouth; one of the two stages in the life cycle of cnidarians.
Mollusk Notes
Mollusk- a soft bodied invertebrate that is often protected by a hard shell
Bivlalve- a mollusk with a shell made of two parts or valves, such as an oysetr or mussel.
1795- in the scientific literature, gastropods were described under the vernacular (French) name "gasteropodes" by Georges Cuvier
Crustaceans (Arthropod) notes
Crustacean- an invertebrate with jointed legs and two pairs of antennae, such as a crab.
Larva- a young animal that develops into an adult by a complete change in body shape
Exoskeleton- a hard, outer skeleton that surrounds an animal's body
Arthropods- animals with segemented bodies, jointed legs, most have a hard exoskeleton-crabs
1772- the earliest valid work to use the name "Crustacea" was Morten Thrane Brunnich's Zoologiae Fundamenta
Insect Notes (Chordates)
Thorax- the central body part of an arthopod (between the abdomen and head)
Antennae- long sensory organs on an arthopod's head
Life cycle- the pattern of changes that occurs in each generation of a species
Metamorphosis- a major change in the animal's body shape during its life cycle.
Nymph- an immature insect that resembles an adult, but has no wings.
3000 B.C.-Scarab Beetles held religious and cultural symbolism and Old Egypt.
Invertebrate Unit Study Guide
Short Answer
What are the four main groups of worms?
Where are worms found?
Are there more vertebrates or invertebrates in the ocean?
How do corals grow?
What phyla are bivalves part of?
What is the difference between slugs and snails?
What are the similarities between crustaceans and arthropods?
How do crestaceans begin their lives?
What habitats are insects found in?
How many pairs of wings do insects have?
Describe what earthworms do?
How do coral and algae work together?
Explain how ocotpuses and squid move through the water.
What are two ways that crabs use their pincers?
What are the two life cycles that insects can go through
Memory Work
What are 6 of the basic phyla of the Animal Kingdom? Give the basic characteristics of each.